• Life on The Utopian Waves
It all started as a dream, the one of young people wanting to live their life in a different way, with the energy of their passion and their
ideals. When Fred left his hometown in Alaska in his quest for
utopia, he wished to inspire others with the magic of the performances and finding a sustainable way of traveling to be in harmony with the environment. First it was the bike-circus,
then the ‘Sea Clown Sailing Circus’, three boats sailing the
Ionian Sea of Greece to bring circus in places where it was basically nonexistent. Every year the crew of artist changes, but the same spirit remains, even in the last two years despite the Covid-19 regulation. The goal of the crew is to allow people to reconnect to the child inside of themselves, and a way to spread hope, light,
happiness and magic in a time where dreaming seems have become more difficult for the people and to invite them of their
costant quest for an utopian world.